
Jesus The King Council holds an annual mass in October to bless the sponsors of Jerusalem Students. After the mass, a dignitary from the Knights of Columbus, hands to each sponsor the file of his sponsored student which contains the following: profile of the student, a personal thank you card from him, the grades of the student, a letter from the Melkite Catholic Patriarchate School principal, a letter from Most Reverend Archbishop of Jerusalem and a receipt from the school accounts that the donation has been paid towards the student tuition fees.

2021 St Luke's Parish

The Jerusalem Students Annual Mass was celebrated on Sunday 14th November in St. Luke's Church, Thornhill at 12:15 pm which was streamed live and watched world wide including in the Holy Land.

Rev. Fr. Mark & Rev. Fr. Wen had given their approval to celebrate the Jerusalem Students Mass for the intention of the students, scholarship sponsors and the Holy Land. Brother Henry Tang announced the intention. Brother Greg performed the beautiful hymns including JERUSALEM MY DESTINY.

The mass is celebrated in a different church of the sponsoring Knights of Columbus councils each year so as to get more parishioners to know about the Jerusalem Students Education Scholarship program. St. Luke's Council 4393 and its members have sponsored the scholarship for students since many years. Many Knights of Columbus councils sponsor education scholarships for needy students (70% of scholarship sponsors are Knights). TORONTO COUNCIL 1388 is the GOLD SPONSOR (9 students), and there is also an anonymous generous sponsor who has been donating C$10,000 for many years to support the deficit of the Melkite Catholic Patriarchate School in Beit Sahour.

Our Worthy Knights of Columbus Ontario State Deputy, Sir Knight Marcel Lemmen was the Chief Knights of Columbus Dignitary at the Jerusalem Students Mass and he gave a moving speech that "Education is the key that unlocks the golden door to freedom" while thanking the sponsors. The Faithful Navigator Sir Knight Rand Comishen & St. John Paul II Assembly 3325 had been offering the Honor Guard Service for many years. Although limited by the pandemic protocols, 20 sponsors and Honor Guard Sir Knights representing councils and parishioners attended and received their student file, grades, thank you card, letter from the principal and letter from the Archbishop of Jerusalem with appreciation certificates for the sponsors whose students already graduated.

This year is the 10th year anniversary of Jerusalem Students. The program has 12 students who were sponsored until graduation this year. 36 students already graduated and gone to higher learning joining universities in the Holy Land. 80 more students are still under scholarship. It is a very affordable program for any council or parishioner starting at C$21 per month for sharing the scholarship education of a needy Christian student.

If you want to watch this beautiful mass, click the link here below:

2019 Blessed Trinity Church

It was a beautiful Holy Mass thanks to Rev. Fr. Ed Murphy who at very short notice accepted to celebrate the Jerusalem Students Mass for the intention of the students, sponsors and the Holy Land in Blessed Trinity Church in North York Sunday 29th December at 10:30 am.

Rev. Fr. Ed welcomed the sponsors, the Ontario State Deputy David Peters, and the Knights of Columbus dignitaries. The Homily was very moving focusing on family unity. Later during Mass Rev. Fr. Ed asked the sponsors to stand, Blessed them with a special prayer and sprinkled them with Holy Water. After the Mass, the State Deputy SK David addressed the parishioners and sponsors that by supporting the education of a needy Christian student they are also strengthening Christianity and helping the Holy Land to flourish. Later the sponsors received the files of their student, thank you cards, grades, photo, Principal letter, Archbishop letter. It was a beautiful occasion to meet other sponsors who are touching lives in the Holy Land. TORONTO COUNCIL 1388 the GOLD SPONSOR (9 students) was represented by SK Henry Miller. 75 students education is sponsored each year, 18 already graduated while being sponsored, and all gone to higher learning. 70% of sponsors are KOFC brothers, assemblies and councils, 30% are faithful parishioners all over Canada and the United States. The education support started humbly at C$ 4500 in 2012 and grew to more than C$ 50,000 in 2019.

Thanks to St. John Paul II Assembly who offered the Honor Guard Service headed by Faithful Commander Sir Knight Paul DiPietro. Thanks also to Faithful Navigator SK Johnny Lee and SK Henry Tang and Brother Jan for all their assistance.

2018 Cathedral of the Transfiguration

The Jerusalem Students Mass at 12:00 pm on Sunday 22nd October was a memorable one with the Byzantine liturgy and tradition. The Mass was celebrated in The Cathedral of The Transfiguration 10350 Victoria Square, Markham. Rev. Ibrahim El Haddad welcomed the Knights of Columbus dignitaries and the Ontario State Deputy, Sir Knight Dan Heffernan. Then Rev. Ibrahim asked the sponsors to stand and he blessed them. The KOFC Ontario State Deputy thanked the sponsors and their generosity. He also thanked the Jerusalem Students Chairman for his enthusiastic perseverance to help needy Christian students in The Holy Land. In 2017, 71 students were sponsored, 11 already graduated, and C$ 42,000 contributed to the Melkite Catholic Patriarchate School in Beit Sahour, Shepherds Fields. Majority of the sponsors are from the Knights of Columbus and the rest are faithful Christians from all over North America. St. John Paul II Assembly arranged the Honor Guard, which was very appropriate as Sunday 22nd October was also St. John Paul II Saint Day, the Patron Saint of the assembly and he had also consecrated the Cathedral of The Transfiguration in 1984. All Saints of China Assembly, Bishop Greco Assembly, and Michael Power Assembly also supported the Honor Guard. The Honor Guard was lead by FC Commander Sir Knight Johnny Lee.

(Please view our photos in the video below.)


2017 Mass Entrance


The Mass Cathedral of The Transfiguration

2016 - 2017

Jerusalem Students annual mass photos at St. Paul's Basilica, the mother church of the Archdiocese of Toronto established in 1822. The mass was presided by Reverend Father Edward Smith and the Chief Knights of Columbus dignitary was the Past State Deputy, Supreme Director Sir Knight Arthur Peters. Honor Guard arranged by Sir Knight Eardley Adams, Faithful Navigator of St. John Paul II Assembly 3325 with Sir Knight David Baker, Faithful Navigator of Cardinal McGuigan Assembly 865, with Commander Sir Knight Sal Lombardo who lead the Honor Guard and was assisted by Sir Knight Paul Di Pietro.

(Please view our photos in the video below.)


JS Mass St. Paul's Basilica.

2015 - 2016

Jerusalem Students annual mass photos attended by Most Reverend
Archbishop of Jerusalem and Patriarchal Vicar of Melkite Catholics Joseph
Jules Zerey, and Worthy Ontario Knights of Columbus State Deputy
Sir Knight Alain Cayer. (Ingrid Punwani Photography)

(Please view our photos in the video below.)